Drawing In Public

I find myself drawing a lot at home. It's usually in my sweats, window open, tea in hand, and cartoons on the TV. My significant other is usually at work, or devoting his time to volunteering, so I'm often by myself. I really wish I could draw with other people. I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. Yeah, I have 220 friends on there, but they're not all calling me or coming over. Nor do I have the ability to see them when we're both available. Something I miss about being at the James Kaneko Gallery was that there were usually a bunch of us at the gallery, working the place and drawing on a table nearby. It was a hangout, a community, and even though we were students, it was the beginning of networking and making friends. I'm really shy. You may not see it. My husband laughs when I say it, but it's TRUE. I found some ways and places in the Sacramento area that allow casual, fun, comfortable ways to hang out and draw. There's yet to be something here in our Gold Rush town, but maybe that's for me to start? Here are my favorites so far:
Pompsicle Sacramento was started by Ben Walker. I remember going to it back in 2008, and it had already had a following of people who came to draw the clothed figure. Costumed! They had already done pirates, b-boys, b-girls, punk rockers, magicians, and drag queens(?). Artists could come and illustrate or draw from (fun!) life. I went, and above are pictures from yesterday's session: PIRATES. As you can see, the outcome (for me, at least) was fruitful. If you want to find out more, you can get info here. If you are in the Bay Area, Walker has even started a San Francisco Pompsicle!

  Drink n' Draw: Drink N'Draw meets at Fox and Goose in Sacramento. It costs nothing, and it's basically a bunch of artists having a pint (or Arnold Palmer, if you're me) and drawing. We shove a bunch of tables together and we talk about life, doodle, draw, ink and show off our drawings. It's really fun, and I drag out my art friends to get out of their dark studios and "play!" They meet the last Thursday of the month, and you can contact them here. I've gone four times, and it doesn't let down. It's a great way to network, and it's really casual.

  Sketchbomb!: Sketchbomb is something I haven't done...yet. I hear it's great. A bunch of people "bomb" areas and sketch whatever they see. I'm especially excited about "Show and YELL". I don't have much to say about it, but I intend on going to one this summer. Check them out. They're also in the Bay Area, and I believe in Chicago, too! So don't be creepy! I won't be shy. When I'm making art and drawing, I'm totally in my element, I'm much more talkative and outgoing. Come and network and draw in public. Just don't forget to shower! Annnnnnd maybe put on a clean shirt. Bring art supplies, and maybe your card. You can make a few friends and find some other comic book geeks. Or you'll meet a cute girl who likes Serenity. And you can ask her out. I make no promises.


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